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Shark Detect Pro. What we get if purchase this new self-emptying robot vacuum cleaner?

Updated: May 02, 2024


Shark Detect Pro. What will we get if we purchase this new self-emptying robot vacuum cleaner?

The Detect Pro robot vacuum is powered by 3 deep-cleaning technologies that enable the robot to maximize performance by sensing mess level, floor type, and edges & corners. 

DirtDetect sees even the hidden debris and automatically increases suction and cleaning passes to remove the mess on carpets and hard floors. 

And now, with NeverStuck technology, this robot will avoid obstacles and climb up, over thresholds, and onto thick carpets.

Now not only can the robot do deep cleaning, but on top of all the benefits, you won't have to worry about it getting stuck.

The new Detect Pro empties into its bagless base, which contains an anti-allergen HEPA seal to keep dust and allergens inside, every time you finish cleaning and with every brushing.

So, here are the main features of the new Shark Detect Pro:

  • 3 Deep cleaning technologies. More powerful and better compared to the Shark RV900S.
  • NeverStuck technology ensures you never have to babysit your robot. It rises and lowers to clear obstacles and is easy to avoid getting stuck compared to the Shark RV750.
  • It will detect dirt that you cannot see. DirtDetect technology detects dirtier areas and automatically increases suction and vacuums in a figure-of-eight pattern.
  • Powerful suction and self-cleaning roller designed to pick up more pet hair.
  • Accurate home mapping. 360° LiDAR vision quickly and accurately maps your home.
  • Ability to customize cleaning schedule. The robot will be able to clean according to your preferences by editing the map, targeting locations, setting no-go zones, and much more.
Specs/Model Shark Detect Pro
Price $549.99
Bin capacity 230 ml
Run time N/A
Suction N/A
Navigation LIDAR
Scheduling yes
Filtration washable fabric filter (pre-motor)
Rated power 35 W
Battery included 1
Display no
Noise level N/A
WiFi, App yes
No-go zone yes
In the box XL self-empty base, odor puck, 2 side brushes
Height 13.58 inch / 34.5 cm
Weight 14.44 lbs / 6.5 kg

Also, when you buy a new product from Shark, you get a device with odor-neutralization technology, which means that the odor is retained in the base, creating a fresher smell in the house, which makes it an ideal all-in-one solution if you have pets.


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