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Hoover vs. Dyson Which Is Better For Your Home

Updated: May 02, 2024

Hoover vs. Dyson — Which Brand is Best in 2023? Both Hoover and Dyson two the most popular names of vacuums on the market. They both make turn models and very price point features and performance. So which is the best for your home?


Hoover offers more models than Dyson every right the price points. Dyson lines are generally more high-end and more expensive. Dyson vacuums are bagless and new cyclones or as Hoover has both bag and bagless models.

For a better comparison and review of Dyson and Hoover, cleaning tests were carried out on three-floor types: hardwood, low-pile carpet, high-pile carpet, and with four debris types: sugar, cereal, kitty litter, and rice. In the tests, Dyson typically performed better than Hoover. But with the lower price Hoover can be a good budget option.


Dyson cordless vacuums 

Dyson V series vacuums are cordless have great suction and long run times. All V series vacuum can convert from a stick to a handheld. Also, all models include a number of cleaning tools and attachments.

Dyson's cordless stick line includes the:

Each of these models available as different variants including:

  • Absolute
  • Animal
  • Motorhead

Depending on your budget these other models maybe good feet for you.

As well as other special variants the most notable and high-performance models of the V series are the:

The Dyson V11 Torque Drive

It is Dyson's flagship model. It can run up the 60 min has 185 AW of suction power and weight 6.68 pounds. The V11 has an LCD screen on the handle and a number of helpful accessories.

In the tests, the V11 Torque Drive removes 99% of all debris with tests it against perfect scores on hardwood, high carpet, and low carpet. 

/ Cereal Kitty litter Rice Sugar Total
Harwood 100% 99% 99% 100% 99.5%
Low carpet 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
High carpet 99% 100% 100% 100% 99.8%
Overall         99.8%

The Dyson V10 Absolute

The Dyson V10 Absolute performs nearly as well as the V11 Torque Drive. It features a redesigned body style, compared to the Dyson V8, Dyson V7, and Dyson V6 cordless models. It also has a long-running cleaning time of up to 60 min.

The Dyson V10 stick vacuum offers 140 AW of suction power and a weight of 5.8 pounds. It takes about 3.5 hours to fully charge this vacuum and has virtually no annual maintenance costs.

The Absolute version includes the soft roller head which works incredibly well on hardwood floors. The Dyson V10 also scores extremely well on the cleaning test with the 99% removing overall.

/ Cereal Kitty litter Rice Sugar Total
Harwood 100% 100% 98% 100% 99.5%
Low carpet 99% 99% 99% 100% 99.3%
High carpet 100% 100% 99% 100% 99.8%
Overall         99.5%

Hoover cordless vacuums

Hoover offers a number of different models. However, the two most popular cordless vacuum series are Hoover ONEOWR and Hoover Linx. 

Hoover Linx Cordless

The Linx is the most budget option the ONEPWRseems to have an improved build quality and great performance.

Hoover Linx Cordless has a sure battery run time in a 15-25 minute range. But an extra battery can be added run time. It's slightly heavier than the other cordless vacuums a 10 pounds.

Linx is also available as a corded stick, the was found maneuverability was some limited.   

Hoover ONEPWR Evolve Pet

Hoover ONEPWR Evolve Pet weight is 9 pounds and has a specialized pet brush designed and prevent odors. The brush roll multi-surface and he well on both carpets and hard surfaces and has an extra-large dustbin.

The Evolve feels like a cross between stick vacuum despite being cordless. With the brush roll design and dustbin size, it's got a notable feature for homes with pets. 

Hoover ONEPWR HEPA+ and Hoover ONEPWR Blade+

Next, the is a cordless vacuum for the home factor often upright. Its uses are a bag system which a require prepare complies but also does it better job and capturing all your find debris. The HEPA filtration bag it's a good choice if you suffer from allergies or asthma.

Last from Hoover's line is Hoover ONEPWR Blade+. The Blade is most similar to the Dyson cordless stick. It uses a multi-surface brush roll and bagless design. The removed batteries are able to run time for upter 45 minutes and like Dyson. And includes a number of attachments and accessories.  


Both Hoover and Dyson over and wide selection of upright vacuums. 

Dyson upright vacuums

Dyson Ball Animal 2

The Dyson Ball Animal 2 is one of Dyson’s classic upright vacuum models. This model uses the patented cyclonic suction system for a quality clean and can hold a large amount of debris, over 2 liters of dirt, dust, and debris. Its weight is 17.4 pounds and the cord length is 30 feet. 

Accessories include a combination tool, stair tool, high reach tool, a turbine brush for tackling pet hair, and a lifetime washable filter, which helps to minimize maintenance costs. 

It is a higher suction than any vacuum on the market at 306 air watts. In the tests, it was removed 96% of debris. 

/ Cereal Kitty litter Rice Sugar Total
Hardwood 99% 99% 100% 100% 99.5%
Low carpet 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Hight carpet 58% 100% 100% 99% 89.3%
Overall         96.3%

Dyson Ball MultiFloor 2

The Dyson Multi Floor 2 upright vacuum is made for spaces that have a mix of variable floor types. The Dyson Multi-Floor automatically adjusts to get the best suction for each floor type.

Similar to the Dyson Animal 2, the Multi-Floor also uses cyclonic suction power and the patented Dyson Ball swivel as trademarks for this model. 

A bagless system can hold up to 1.5 liters of dirt, dust, and debris and automatically adjusting floor cleaning heads do a more seamless transition between varying floor types. This model includes a wide variety of accessories for cleaning many different types of spaces.

It scored overall 98% on the cleaning tests struggling only slightly on hardwood floors. The Ball MultiFloor 2 is a good option if you a very floor heights in your home. But it especially if you have a high-pile carpet. 

/ Cereal Kitty litter Rice Sugar Total
Hardwood 81% 100% 100% 100% 95.3%
Low carpet 100% 100% 100% 99% 99.8%
Hight carpet 100% 100% 100% 97% 99.3%
Overall         98.1%

Hoover upright vacuums

Hoover offers a wide range up of WindTunnel, Commercial, PowerDrive, React, and MAX Life series. WindTunnel has a large number of models which the popular and largest number of models. 

This is:

Hoover React

The Hoover React upright vacuum cleaner is a multi-purpose upright vacuum. The React comes with a few bells and whistles, unique to this specific model.

These advanced features include:

  1. swivel steering
  2. LED headlamps
  3. rinsable filter
  4. FloorSense

The “FloorSense” is a technology that allows the vacuum to detect and react to changing floor heights as it’s cleaning.

For these models, there is even an app for additional features. The app helps to customize your cleaning and get the best performance possible.

Hoover WindTunnel Air

The Air model brings a modern aesthetic to the WindTunnel vacuum. It’s one of the lightest upright vacuums and is a nice option if you’re looking for something sleek, but still powerful. Lightweight body style—only about 13 lbs.

This vacuum comes with a 2-in-1 crevice tool, a wand, and a few other smaller attachments that connect directly to the wand. It has a clear dust bin so you clean it easily.

When you move from carpet to hardwoods, need to press a simple button to disengage the brush roll, so as not to cause excessive wear on hardwood floors.

Hoover WindTunnel T-Series Rewind Plus

The Hoover WindTunnel T-Series Rewind Plus is a bagged corded upright vacuum. Because the bagged system may be better for people who suffer from allergies. 

For starters, the price tag of the Hoover T-Series is significantly less than Dyson upright vacuum. It has a cord rewind system to ease the burden of dealing with the cord and also has a filter indicator you can easily know when it’s time to replace the filter. Also, this model offers five different cleaning levels, that can be used for variable floor types.

The weight of this vacuum 16.5 pounds and it has a large dustbin capacity of 3 liters with a 25 cord length.

In terms the cleaning performance it was notable washed relatives Dyson only removing 85% of the debris in the test. The biggest struggle was on hardwood floors with large debris.

/ Cereal Kitty litter Rice Sugar Total
Hardwood 10% 63% 71% 83% 56.8%
Low carpet 100% 100% 100% 99% 99.8%
Hight carpet 100% 98% 98% 90% 96.5%
Overall         84.3%

The T-series amounts to the most popular in a highly remove vacuum within all of Hoover lineup.

So Hoover or Dyson, whats vacuum the better for you?

And here either you’re in the market for a conservative Hoover or a top-of-the-line Dyson.

Because generally, Dyson builds a better vacuum, but the cost is also substantially higher. And depending on your lifestyle and the area you’re looking to clean, it is very possible that a well-built Hoover would suit your needs just fine.

The best way to pick the best vacuum just for you is to ask yourself a couple of important questions. Depending on your answers and your needs, budget, and features on your “must-have list”, you may find yourself going home with a Dyson or a Hoover vacuum.

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